Monday, October 14, 2013

2 - tips, hygiene advice...

Confidence boosting compliments, conversational moments, clothing tips, hygiene advice, random embarrassing moments, dating advice, and the guarantee you'll never see me again!


All of us are attractive people. Some look more like models, others feel more ordinary in their appearance, but we all share the common right to believe we are attractive.

When deciding if you think you need help with clothing or hygiene for your date, ask yourself these three questions.
1. Do you really want to bathe and clean up for this date?
2. Should you wear your holey jeans or the new ones you just bought for dinner at your parents' house.
3. How freely can people breathe around you when dating you?  

Clothing tips

In terms of clothing, there is a wide range of options out there which could match each person according to their interest and gender. There are multiple options for women, that can cater to every type of woman. As a personal preference I find InStyle magazine to be a reliable go to magazine for any woman out there.  

In terms of fashion advice for men, there has recently been an influx in male focused fashion magazines, and one that has recently caught my attention is called Azzarenko. It offers a wide range of help for men. Those who have been newly introduced to fashion, along with those who have a long history with being a fashionable man, can find great clothing tips and advice inside that magazine.

When examining your wardrobe though some of the following tips can help you make a great first impression on your date.
*Holey jeans, especially the ones with the hole "in that one spot" are not allowed!
*The old t-shirt from your college days, whether it be one year or 20 years ago, are not allowed except as an excuse for a handkerchief!!!
*Shoes should match your outfit and their appearance will definitely be noted as a key piece in the costume you have chosen to wear for the night. 
*Accessories should be limited to that which you need for the night, and not for the rest of the relationship.
*Breathe. Can you breathe well around the house in what you are wearing tonight? Can you breathe still despite the odor exuding from it?  
*Breathe 2. Can you breathe and still feel like yourself in whatever perfume or cologne you have on so that you can also feel comfortable on the date?


Bathe. For the love of whoever you are going to go spend time with, bathe!! Not a quick shower, not a brief bath, a genuine, soap lathering moment in your life. Use it as a chance to prepare yourself for the events of the evening so that you can be as pleasant to be around as possible.

Spritzing on some cologne, or perfume, alone after a rigorous game of basketball will NOT clear up the stench nor take away the residue of sweat still protruding from your sideburns. I know it can be painful and seemingly a waste of time, if you think the date might not go well. But if you don't want to bathe or actually get ready for that date, why not save that other person some time as well and just cancel the date? Honestly, you'll both be better off.

On the off hand that you still dare to date without bathing, be prepared for a lack of; kissing, hand holding, or second dating. In the American culture, especially, hygiene and good physical care are of the highest priority.

Plucking, tooth brushing, shaving. Putting on deodorant, clean socks and clean clothing are other good activities to engage in before getting ready to go out for the night. Fixing your hair, or at least putting a comb through it again is definitely worth the time as well.  

Some good advice I have been given in my life is that right before I leave the house, you should go into the bathroom, check your face to make sure its' clean, brush your hair, put on fresh deodorant and brush your teeth. That way you're as fresh and presentable as possible before you leave the house. Checking makeup is also a good idea, if you choose to wear it.

Have fun. Enjoy the way you look and the person you are. I'm a firm believer in the fact that half of what makes a person attractive on the outside is the way they personally care for themselves. The other half, is the glow that comes from within about how they feel about who they truly are.

1 comment:

  1. I love your article. This is amusing to read too! There are so many people that try to take the lazy route eh?
