Saturday, November 30, 2013

3 - ...random embarrassing moments...

Confidence boosting compliments, conversational moments, clothing tips, hygiene advice, random embarrassing moments, dating advice, and the guarantee you'll never see me again!


Random embarrassing moments are best categorized as the idea that someone involved is actually embarrassed, not mortified, traumatized or bullied. They're random, they're supposed to be that way. Unexpected, uncharted, uncontrollable.  Random.  

Sweet, undefined, random.

One of the best ways to actually approach these moments it to have a sense of humor. No, you won't feel good about yourself when you walk out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to the heel of your shoe - but when you can laugh at it and show off your pearly whites, you just might dazzle that memory away.

One of the most random embarrassing moments for me happened late one night in San Francisco, California. It was late, way too late. Most of the stores were closed in fact. I was out past my personal curfew and with a guy friend, who had absolutely no interest in dating me.  We were exploring the city, having no idea where we were, and were looking for Ghirardelli Square because we really wanted some really good ice cream.  

While accidentally walking towards the wrong part of town (we truly had no idea where we were) a homeless fellow came up to us and proceeded to give us a dating ticket. It still is my favorite random, embarrassing moment of my life, and it goes something like this.

Homeless man, "You aren't holding her hand. Check. That will be 25 cents. She's walking too far away, you better catch up. Check. That will be another 50 cents. Oh dear, she's scowling at you. Check. That will be at least a dollar. Oh, now she's hurrying away. You better hold her hand or kiss her! Show her how you feel before she just gets in the car and drives away."

While this is going on, he's walking next to us with a pretend pad of paper in his hand and an invisible pen. He followed us all the way to a hotel where we ducked inside the lobby and pretended we were checking in. When he finally disappeared, we headed back outside, quickly, towards wherever our car was parked. We laughed and blushed involuntarily, discussing the story in detail, but seriously, talk about awkward. 

I'd known that guy most of my life, so he's probably blocked it out completely by now. Thank goodness!

Awkward things like that can happen to anyone on a date. Sometimes it's just bad timing, other times it really was just a horrible accident, but in the end it's how you walk away from them that make you someone to date again. Unexpectedly, they become a chance to show your humor, temper, or how bright red you really can blush. But whatever your reaction is, just know, it might affect whether or not you go on a date with that person again.

While random embarrassing moments can have the potential to scar you for life (believe me, I KNOW) they too can have the power to take your life on a new and better path if you find the strength to bounce back from them. So get out there, accept your randomness, bounce back, and keep on trying!