Tuesday, August 6, 2013

1 - Confidence boosting compliments, conversational moments....

Confidence boosting compliments, conversational moments, clothing tips, hygiene advice, random embarrassing moments, dating advice, and the guarantee you'll never see me again!


Dating can often be like trying on a new pair of shoes. At first the shoes might be a little too tight or uncomfortable to be around, and you might not even buy those shoes. But if you go home, and just can't get those shoes off of your mind, you know you're probably going back to the store to get them the next day, in the hope that finally you've found another pair of favorite shoes. People are like that. Sometimes they're more uncomfortable and reserved on a first date, to avoid any hurt, which is perfectly normal to feel. It's on the second date or later on that you're going to find out if that person could be a great fit for you.  


Find something right away that you can compliment them on when you get picked up, meet at the restaurant, find each other standing at the corner, etc. Clothing, hair, shoes - acceptable. Boobs, six pack, fat suit - not appropriate. Only give a compliment you know someone would want to hear, and don't just say the first thing that crosses your mind.

Try to not judge a book by its' cover. You might not be instantly attracted to the person you are on a date with. If you're actively pursuing a relationship, rather than wanting a one night stand, take some time to see the good in the person you are with. You can't always control the way a person looks, but you can choose to accept who they are. 

Giving a compliment can help you build a list of things you like about that person.  It's not meant to be a chance to offer some kind of weird review of the person, or to do a backwards interview, but is rather a chance to see if you like the good you see in them.  Keep in mind for later on the compliments you gave that person, and decide later if that's the kind of person you want to go on a second date with.
Conversational moments

When going on a date with someone there are some things you should, and others you should not, talk about. 

Should                                                                       Should not
*Sports                                                                      *Family
*Hobbies                                                                    *Marriage
*Movies                                                                      *Politics
*Entertainment                                                            *Religion
*Travel                                                                       *Diseases
*Friends                                                                      *Previous relationships
*Work (only if it's going well)                                      *Future children
*School/Education                                                       *Work (if it's not going well)

One time when on a double date with friends, my girl friend who had come on the date with us, proceeded to give a long explanation about how someone could determine the fun, playfulness of a person by the color of clothing they were wearing.  She described all the colors except for black as having a positive attribute.  Black was apparently the color of someone depressed and melancholy.  She was wearing white along with multiple other colors.  I was dressed mainly in black.  It turned out she liked the guy I was on a date with.

When on dates, try to make the conversation fair to everyone there.  It's actually a pretty ugly expression of character to spend you're entire time on a date putting someone, or something, else down.  We all have moments like that in our lives, but generally, those kinds of things should be kept to yourself, and should be avoided on first dates. 

Also, sometimes it seems like you should have a support group with you when you go on a date, other times you are better off to go alone so that you and you alone are responsible for how you are presented.  It definitely depends upon the situation, whether or not you really need someone to be there with you to help you with your conversations and compliments.  

Either way, take some time to privately practice appropriate compliments, or generate a list in your mind of the things that you should, and should NOT say on a date, in order to make your date successful.  Add to that something funny you could share, or a story about a recent trip you went on.  Whatever you do, don't doubt yourself so that you, or someone else, ends up ruining your night.  You deserve this chance to be on a date, make it a great memory for both of you!